home studio
Neumann TLM 103
Solid State Logic SSL2
Adobe Audition, iZotope RX8
Treated with Audimute Sound Absorption/Dampening Blankets, acoustic foam bass traps
Source Connect Standard, Source Connect NOW, Cleanfeed, Zoom, Skype, Discord
Hard-Wired Connection
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about me
Taiwanese American
LA Local
Remote Recording Capable
Hey there! I'm Crystal Lee, a Los Angeles-based Asian American voice actress with a broadcast-quality home studio and experience in video game, pre-lay animation, commercial, live-action dubbing/ADR, walla, localization, narration, corporate e-Learning, children's e-Learning, and audiobook voiceover.
I began my acting journey in 2020, after an elective class in college spiraled headlong into a life passion that conveniently ignited after I'd already completed two whole degrees in biomedical engineering. Welp.
Call it a new... VOcation.
When I'm not screeching expletives into a mic, you're most likely to find me playing Dungeons & Dragons, scarfing down Taiwanese food, and making god awful puns.

want to get
in touch?